

EMBnet is coordinated by a four member Executive Board (EB) that oversees the activities of Project Committees (PCs) and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

Executive Board
Erik Bongcam-Rudloff (SE)Chair2021
Andreas Gisel (NG)Secretary2021
Cesar Bonavides-Martinez (MX)Treasurer2021
Dimitrios Vlachakis (GR)Executive Member2019
Operational Board

The Operational Board acts in an advisory capacity to the Executive Board and helps both to manage EMBnet’s daily operations and to steer its strategic direction.
The Operational Board consists of at least 4 members, and comprises the full Executive Board together with the Chairs of its designated Committees; it may also include Chairs of its SIGs, at the discretion of the Operational Board.

Publicity & Public Relation Project Committee

The main mission of the Publicity & Public Relation Project Committee (P&PR PC) is to nurture and promote EMBnet’s image at large. The P&PR PC is responsible for promoting any type of EMBnet activities, for the advertisement of products and services provided by the EMBnet community, as well as for proposing and developing new strategies aiming to enhance EMBnet’s visibility and to take care of public relationships with EMBnet communities and related networks/societies. In particular, activities are:

  • Management and content moderation of www.embnet.org official website;
  • Dissemination;
  • Community Management on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn;
  • Proposal and implementation of strategies aiming to enhance EMBnet’s visibility;
  • Public relationships with EMBnet communities and related networks/societies;
  • Sponsorship management.

Committee Members

Domenica D’Elia (IT)Chair2022
Eleni Papakonstantinou (GR)Member2019
Dimitrios Vlachakis (GR)Member2019
Katerina Pierouli (GR)Member2019
Education & Training Project Committee

The Education & Training Project Committee (ET-PC) is, amongst other things, involved in producing kits of materials to help in education and training activities, and studying how to handle remote audiences in training courses. It also articulates with GOBLET in activities such as training recognition and globalisation.

Committee Members

David Coornaert (BE)Chair2021
Andreas Gisel (IT)Member2021
Erik Bogcam-Rudloff (SE)Member2021
Technical Management Project Committee

The Technical Management Project Committee (TM-PC) ensures the availability of local services for all EMBnet users, providing support to EMBnet Nodes and helping them with maintenance and troubleshooting. In addition, the TM-SIG is responsible for the management of the DNS, Mail and aspects of the web services of the www.embnet.org domain.

Committee Members

Eleni Papakonstantinou (GR)Chair               2021
Gang Cheng (NO)Member2013
Adrien JanssensMember2017
Nils-Einar Eriksson (SE)Member2017
Romualdo Zayas-Lagunas (MX)Member2010
EMBnet Journal – Executive Editorial Board

EMBnet.journal is managed by an Executive Editorial Board (EEB), and is assisted in its work by a full Editorial Board and a Review Panel.

Board Members

Erik Bongcam-Rudloff (SE)Editor in Chief2010
Dimitrios VlachakisDeputy Editor-in-Chief2017
Domenica D’Elia (IT)Member2006
Laurent Falquet (CH)Member2010
Pedro L Fernandes (PT)Member2010
Andreas Gisel (IT)Member2010
Lubos Klucar (SK)Member2010
Vasileios Megalooikonomou (GR)Member2018
Sissy Eythimiadou (GR)Member2019
Eleni Papakonstantinou (GR)Member2019
EMBnet Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGS) Leaders

Eleni Papakonstantinou (GR)Business and Development2019
Katerina Pierouli (GR)Coordinator of the Young Researchers Group2019