EMBnet AGM 2024

EMBnet AGM 2024
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden
6th November 2024
The EMBnet AGM 2024 will take place in Uppsala (Sweden) 6th November 2024 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, in collaboration with the Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop 2024, running 4th and 5th November 2024.
Abstract submission until September 2, 2024
Workshop registration: Early registration until August 18, last registration October 1.
EMBnet AGM 2023

EMBnet AGM 2023
CNR Institute for Biomedical Technologies, Bari, Italy
23 June 2023
EMBnet is glad to announce that the EMBnet Annual General Meeting 2023 will be held in Bari (IT), on June 23rd. In collaboration with the Bioinformatics Italian Society (BITs) EMBnet supports the participation of young researchers (PhD students and PostDoc) with three travel grants to present their work at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society (June 21-23).
PhD students or PostDocs working outside of Italy and submitting an abstract to the conference as the first, last or presenter author can apply for the international travel grants offered by EMBnet. As a first round of assignments, applications by BITS or EMBnet members will be considered. In the case of unassigned grants, a second round will consider all other applications.
Key Dates
Deadline for abstract submission for oral and poster presentations moved to April 28st, 2023
Deadline for Travel Grants application: May 18th, 2023
Each Travel Grant will be credited to the bank account of selected candidates after the conference, provided that they effectively attended the meeting and presented their scientific contribution, and under the presentation of a declaration of sustained costs, with the specific statement that these are not reimbursed by other sources.
The winners will receive a grant that will consist of the reimbursement of costs for conference attendance up to € 1,000.00. Eligible costs are the BITS 2023 registration fee (including the social dinner, if desired), travel expenses and hotel accommodation for up to three nights. A letter by the PhD or Post Doc supervisor or by the Director of the Department or Institute certifying the student course attendance across the affiliation declared in the submitted abstract has to be provided when submitting the request for the travel grant.
Topics covered by the BITS2023 Conference
- Algorithms for Bioinformatics
- Genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics and epitranscriptomics
- Computational RNA Biology
- Proteomics
- Systems Biology
- Molecular Evolution
- Translational Bioinformatics
- Structural Bioinformatics
- Pharmacogenomics
- Bioimaging
- Metagenomics and metatranscriptomics
- Artificial Intelligence for Bioinformatics
- Multi-omics data analysis and integration
- Single-cell data analysis
- Spatial transcriptomics
- Biological data management
In addition to the traditional panels, the conference programme will also include topics for a Food & Nutrition (F&N) session, a workshop on Advanced machine-learning approaches for the analysis of microbiome data, and a Young BITS-RSG-InfoLife Symposium.
More at BITS2023 website
Information and contacts
For any information, please contact Domenica D’Elia by email: domenica.delia@ba.itb.cnr.it